- MORTUARY MASSACRE is a gruesome Horror Anthology that centers around Detective Giger's (Todd Brown) debriefing of several mysterious deaths, all taking place on Halloween night. The local mortician (Carl Crew) tells Giger the backstories behind three particular victims, each of them filled with plenty of gore, sex and …
- A young girl suspended in the water of a dingy bathtub, three tiny goldfish suffocate in a girl's hand- these are the first images of Fishbowl, a film written and directed by Julie Wiles. The young girl is Sadie Shipley a mousy and contemplative girl who runs the fishbowl game with her father in a traveling carnival. T…
- Journey to the East introduces traditions of ancient Chinese culture while systematically exploring contemporary China.
- This is the dizzying story of Britain’s first two transsexuals and the unrequited love of one for the other. The title refers to Roberta Cowell, who as Bob Cowell had been a married father-of-two, fighter pilot and racing driver, until in …
- Redneck Carnage is a story about a group of misfits who must join forces for a struggle for survival while seeking to find the cause of a disastrous series of events. In the process they ... See full summary
- How 1945 became the year of Winston Churchill 's greatest victory and his most devastating defeat.