底特律警探马蒂·金斯顿,是地下毒品组织的卧底,组织的成员陆陆续续被谋杀。为了解决此问题,他与一位骄傲而年轻的警探合作。然而,他们被所发现的腐败真相而彻底震惊了...\r\n Ray Liotta (Goodfellas) delivers an intense, electrifying performance in this explosive follow-up to the gritty…
Holloway Riding School, rivals of Bright Fields, steals the cup from them, so Zoe and Pin decide to go and bring it back. Meanwhile Rosie tries to fit in.
十九世纪,罗马尼亚存在着一个人鬼共存的神秘地带――特兰西尼亚古镇。镇上有一支邪恶势力在天黑后统治着该地区,那就是吸血鬼德古拉(理查德•劳斯伯格 Richard Roxburgh 饰)领导下妖魔鬼怪。他们一到日黑就出来大肆杀戮,手段异常残忍。更加恐怖的是,这个队伍在不断壮大中,噬血的科学怪人也不远万里投靠了德古拉。 罗马尼亚的天主教在多…
Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obsessed with beautifying his victims.
乔(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)曾是一名优秀的特工,出色的完成过许多极为危险的任务。然而,过于耿直固执的个性让他最终闯下大祸丢掉了工作,如今,落魄的乔只是一个名不见经传,不怎么走运的私家侦探罢了。 某日,曾经的同僚迈克(布鲁斯·麦克吉尔 Bruce McGill 饰)致电乔,委托给他一个棘手的任务——保护一位名叫科瑞(哈莉·贝…