搜索 Floria

  • 一个不知从哪寄出的信封躺在地板上,里面装着一块拼图。不久,更多信封纷至沓来,随之而来的绝不仅仅是简单的总和。
  • synopsisMaximilian is a greedy, cold and unscrupulous doctor but at the same time a charming and risk-loving genius. His son Ernst on the other hand, continually strives to give his best but always seems to be at the losing end. He is forced into marriage by Vally, a streetwise and unscrupulous former maid of his paren…
  • 电影恐怖
    A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
  • 电影
    Melting glaciers, gullied seas, the financial markets are about to collapse. Spectacular images of how growth continues to be blinding. Outside you can hardly see anything because of the smog and the smoke screen.
  • 放眼望去,那片看似平静的海洋,人为制造的污染及无法分解的垃圾,早已不知不觉侵蚀大海,身着瓶盖的寄居蟹,包覆金属外壳的鱼类,一如既往悠游其间。尽管弱肉强食的法则不变,这片深受污染的海域,依旧改写了海洋生物的生存之道。
  • 齊格與斯文已經搬到一起了,而充滿活力的柏林城市學生,他們必須拿出一些聰明的角度來賺錢,沒有作品,衣衫襤褸,財務狀況看起來相當慘淡,直到他們穿過了最後努力發明了性勃起丸偶然的機會,現在他們的眼睛閃爍著發大財的夢幻前景,他們拼了拿出殺手計劃的生存模式。
  • VerliebtinAmsterdam
  • 为庆祝父亲的生日,全家在游轮上开了一个派对。一大家人和亲朋好友兴高采烈地在游艇上聚会,然而在自己母亲和四岁的儿子发生了一件事情之后,马库斯却浑身不自在,因为他隐隐回忆起了童年的事情。随着记忆被更多地挖掘,马库斯深陷其中,和自己的妻子产生了越来越多的隔阂,最终影响到了自己现在的婚姻。马库斯需要去直面自己现在的家庭、母亲,…