- Takes place over a long weekend, as "John and Marlena travel to Zurich; Ben and Ciara have a romantic getaway in New Orleans; Chad visits some old friends in Phoenix; and Abe, Paulina, Lani, and Eli vacation in Miami. All find themselves embroiled in a mystery involving stolen jewels which, in the wrong hands, cou…
- 11@追新番原创翻译航空宅朝川千空(永濑廉)因机缘巧合进入了空乘行业,并与元自卫队员乡田勇一(岐洲匠)、GAY黛正太郎(小越勇辉)和前模特早乙女薰(北村匠海)一起成为了CA训练生。繁杂的业务内容令千空焦头烂额,训练中他偶然结识了预备飞行员高山翼(黑岛结菜)。女飞行员与男空乘,因为在各自行业内的性别劣势,使得二人惺惺相惜暗生情愫…