- A young girl (Revyn Lowe) gets in big trouble for kissing her friend (C. Craig Patterson) on the cheek at school during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Over the course of a year, filmmaker Charlotte Ginsborg filmed the London housing co-operative that she lives in, looking to chart the residents’ diverse experiences of the pandemic, across the daily life of numerous national lockdowns. So…
- Currently a primary focus for environmental campaigners in the UK, HS2 is a controversial new high-speed rail line being built from London to the North of England. Documenting a single day on the front line of battles against the HS2 construction, The Battle of Denham Ford tells the story of attempts by HS2 contractors…
- Carl Hamilton (Coq Rouge, Swedens James Bond) is called before KU (Swedens answer to the American congressional hearing) to answer questions about a spy war between Sweden and the Soviet Union.
- 自从银河帝国衰败之后,正邪轮回再度开始,第一秩序的黑暗力量蔓延滋长,重新为银河系带来威胁。与此同时,对于凯洛·伦的堕落深感内疚的天行者卢克宣告失踪,而围绕卢克下落的一份星系地图,则引起敌我双方的争夺。不愿成为战争机器的第一军团士兵芬恩(约翰·波耶加 John Boyega 饰)协助反抗组织成员波·达摩龙(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar…
- 自风都塔建立30年以来,风都的和平持续了相当长一段时间。但是就在这个夏天,这座平静的城市再起波澜。一群本应死亡的Dopont突然出现在街头,对周遭进行大肆破坏。左翔太郎(桐山漣 饰)和飞利浦(菅田将暉 饰)合体变身为假面骑士W,风都警署警官照井龙(木ノ本嶺浩 饰)则化身假面骑士阿克塞尔,与入侵的Dopont进行殊死搏斗。在国际特务调查机…