搜索 Foster

  • 罗杰·麦森是一个强壮、机智、勇敢的铮铮男儿,一次意外使他被错判杀人,法院对他处以冰冻26年的刑罚。26年后,麦森醒来,狱医告诉他:“你的母亲于 14年前去世,你的父亲去年过世,你的妻子仍在,但健康状态不佳,你女儿吉妮安今年36岁”。解冻后的麦森仍需终身在监狱服刑。对女儿的强烈思念,促使麦森下了越狱的决心,不久,麦森成功越狱,但…
  • 邪恶的雷米博士在拜万迪精神病医院的地下私自创建了一个人体实验室,虽被塞文教授发现阻止了他的阴谋,但事情并没有结束。雷米的冤魂仍在附近徘徊,伺机反扑人间……20年后,一名神秘女孩被送往这个精神病院,同时她的到来也引起了雷米亡灵的注意。在女孩经过一系列恐怖怪异的事件后才知道,她是打开医院地下“地狱之门”的关键“钥匙”,雷米企…
  • 一场重大车祸里,丽莎失去了她青梅竹马的朋友,而她则在医护人员的努力下,从死亡的边缘给救了回来,然而一切的梦魘才由此开始。几个月之后,丽莎听到有人『某个人』在墙壁的『那一头』召唤她,而且家中的物品亦会自己搬动..
  • 7 minhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xK9Y1GrfF4&mode=related&search=
  • A young adopted child on his way out of the orphanage and his parallel story as an adult.
  • Gun moll Nan Taylor, caught after an otherwise successful bank robbery, falls for radio crusader David Slade and confides her guilt to him. Much to her surprise, he turns her in. As a "new fish" at San Quentin, Nan fits right in, but won't see Slade, who still loves her. Then she learns that her former partne…
  • On a dark and stormy night, Tom and Jerry, two ambitious cab drivers, wait outside a train station for fares. When two strange men in top hats disembark from their train, the hacks solicit them until they give in and ask for a ride to their castle. When the men stiff the fare, Tom and Jerry pursue them, only to be trap…