搜索 Françoise

  • 剧情简介:影片改编自法国小说家莫泊桑的同名小说。在巴黎圣艾蒂安教堂背后一条街的拐角上有家妓院。妓院的老板娘奥迪勒·泰利埃夫人手下的4名妓女虽说姿色不能算是上等,倒也还有不少老相好和愣头青常来找乐趣。一天,泰利埃夫人接到了一封邀请她去乡下参加她侄女第一次领圣礼仪式的信,和妓女们通过气后,就贴出了“因第一次领圣体暂停营业”…
  • Typically controversial speech by psychoanalyst Lacan is disrupted by a student, ridiculing such public intellectuals. Lacan refuses to allow security to haul off the student, lets him speak and incorporates such criticisms into his presentation. The packed performance took place at the Catholic University of Louvain i…
  • This French film (with English and German audio tracks) is about Paul Otlet, a Belgian Utopian little known in America. Otlet invented an international classification scheme called Universal Decimal Classification used for books, photographs and other documents. He invented microfilm. He invented the ubiquitous index c…
  • A biographical study of Albert Einstein, with not only an analysis of his place in modern physics and in our understanding of the universe, but an analysis (through his and his wife's letters) of Einstein as a person. Never comfortable with human inter-relationships, he married first for love and the spoken intent to m…
  • 电影恐怖
  • Alexandre, a young and honest farmer, is oppressed by an authoritarian wife, who makes him work like a dog. When she dies in a car crash, he decides to stay in bed, absolutely free and inactive. Just a dog is occupied to carry food and newspapers to him.Lorsque sa femme meurt, Alexandre décide de se consacrer à sa gran…
  • The phenomenal success of Nous irons à Paris (it attracted an audience of almost six million in France) suggests that it had latched onto the Zeitgeist, and in doing so reveals something about the psyche of the French nation at the start o…