- Late at night, a pirate radio deejay, Sam sends her stories out over the air waves. She tells the stories of 3 women about the intertwining romances, desires, deceits of a comedian, a lawyer and an heiress. In fact, the heiress is Sam, a daughter of a powerful drug lord, haunted by the memories of her murderous father.…
- 大卫·查普尔是目前在美国最受欢迎的黑人喜剧演员,一个搞怪的家伙,在格莱美、奥斯卡等大型颁奖礼上都作过主持,而自己数也数不清的脱口秀节目更是在美国火爆异常。和很多出身布鲁克林街区的贫困黑人小孩一样,上面提到的这些人,也有过同样的经历。而眼下他们富有了、成功了,他们都有同一个想法,回到街区为老朋友献上自己的歌声,所以他们在…