- "Romeo's Distress" is a Weird, Shakespearean, Gothic, Horror-Thriller that tells a story of a boy name James, his unrequited love for a girl named Jane, and her father's sadistic (yet dutiful) response to it all.
- Fresh out of prison, Daniel joins a group of criminals in the Parisian suburbs. There he discovers a world where he is accepted as a friend and 'part of the family'. But has he made the right choice? And will he be finally able to face up to his own responsibilities?
- 继成功的POE三部曲(POE 1 Eireie诗歌,POE 2邪恶计划,POE 3件Eldritch)之后,三位最原始的国际独立导演带来了Edgar Allan Poe的故事。虽然在之前的POE三部曲电影中,焦点是臭名昭着的波士顿作家的诗意和可怕的维度,但这第四章的重点是黑色CAT故事的血腥,暴力和令人不安的复述。