- An alcoholic playwright discovers her play has been stolen and is being staged in San Francisco. With the company of a sarcastic bartender and secretive drifter, the playwright braves the open road to confront the thief.
- When Molly moves into her new apartment after a tragic accident, a strange noise from upstairs begins to unnerve her. As its intensity grows, she confronts her neighbors – but no one seems to hear what she is hearing.
- A few years ago, Mitra Farahani had an idea. Could she engineer the encounter of two great filmmakers who, although they belong to the same generation, have never met in person: Jean-Luc Godard, the Swiss master who needs no introduction, and the lesser known Ebrahim Golestan, whose literary and film work is the bedroc…
- 百万富翁让-马克-克莱蒙特得知在外百老汇将上演一场可能关连自己“时俗讽刺剧”,他来到了剧院,在那里遇见了正在排练的阿曼达。导演认为克莱蒙特是最适合在剧中出演“自己”的人选,克莱蒙特答应参加这次演出,只为能再次见到阿曼达……