- 法国一台以前的一档节目Y a que la vérité qui compte(唯有真相重要)帮助匿名申请人邀请他想作告白的对象上节目,20分钟后的告白后,征求对方意见是否打开中间的布帘。帮助别人跨出人生的一步愿望很好,可惜同时还要做秀,寻找卖点,策划过程,叙述吸引人的故事,何其困难!本片记录的便是此节目制作的全过程,幕后种种于是尽呈眼底……
- The movie tells the story of Imri, who at 19 goes to live in Tel- Aviv, but dreams of moving to Japan. Through his relationships and encounters and in diverse cinematic tools, we are introduced to the young man's life. An exploration of living in the exotic city of Tel Aviv is presented through a hero who is himself in…