- A filmed recording of a live performance of the Chichester Festival Theatre revival, which played at the Savoy from April till November 2015.
- Dan Kashwood, the Hall Monitor of Rocky Mountain High School, maintains law and order with force and a .44 Magnum. When a murderer is killing off the football team one by one, it's up to Dan to investigate the mystery.
- To mark the 40th anniversary of Bohemian Rhapsody, this documentary digs deep into archive to tell the story of Queen as it follows their journey from a struggling band gigging at pubs and colleges to the moment they captured the UK's hearts and minds with what was to become one of - if not the - greatest song of all t…
- A newly married young woman is possessed by the evil spirt of her husband's deceased first wife. The possession turns her into a scheming killer who will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
- 東京のお台場「ダイバーシティ東京 プラザ」の実物大ガンダム立像と、壁面映像演出「WALL-G」の演出映像作品として上映。後に当作品のブルーレイディスクが、G-フェネクスの限定プラモデルとセットで「ガンダムフロント東京」にて限定販売された。その物語は、自身らの出生の秘密を知ったベルリとアイーダは、整備を終えたG-セルフを受領するた…
- 某个夜晚,巨型外星机器人毫无征兆地出现在地球各大繁华都市上空。他们以压倒性的实力摧毁着高楼大厦,将人头熙攘的都市变作焦土。毁灭仍在继续,幸存者危在旦夕。在城市的某个角落,时尚女子正打理她的豪华跑车,穿着休闲西装的小男人慌不择路闯进车里,结果被女子踢了出去。不远处,一大队巨型机器人正在逼近,领头的机器人抓起男子,它的眼中…