- William Jeffers Kidd, an outcast boy, gets revenge on his tormentors using supernatural powers. That help comes from the ghost of Billy the Kid whose 1873 Winchester rifle he finds, then hides again. A group of archaeologists subsequently find the weapon and it begins its magical actions. William's uncle, Sheriff Gary …
- En plena guerra, en 1973, Diminga atraviesa la sabana con un grupo de combatientes para reunirse con su marido, Sako, en el frente. En su ruta hacia el frente se revelan los estragos de cinco siglos de colonialismo, mientras que el camino de regreso a casa se desarrolla en medio de la alegría de la libertad recientemen…
- A young dancer trying to make it in London during World War II discovers that people like her singing voice, too. Although she's at first reluctant to sing, she finally does and becomes a star. She hooks up with a young musician who composes classical music and turns his nose up at this vulgar "popular" music…
- Greg Vincent is a struggling, alcoholic writer who has suffered a terrible loss in his life and is looking for inspiration for his next story. During this difficult time, he encounters a strange being from out of this world. Could this possible be the basis for the perfect story which could jump start not only his care…