- Incognito follows the journey of seven individuals, who are said to each face personal challenges on the road to redemption. The series delves into their struggles as they come together to face a common enemy, engaging in high-stakes missions that will test their resilience, loyalty, and combat skills.
- Mit 18 Jahren sind Leonie (Emma Suthe) und Marlene (Merle von Mach) beste Freundinnen, und sie sind sich sicher, dass nichts auf der Welt sie trennen kann. Doch dann verliebt sich Leonie in Naomi (Marie Tragousti), und während sie sich ganz ihrer ersten großen Liebe hingibt, entfernt sie sich immer weiter von ihrer bes…
- Three young adults, obsessed with the horrors of the modern world, find themselves trapped in the depths of a sprawling underground subway that progressively transforms into a giant, nightmarish organic mass eager to swallow them up.
- 2007: Karl (17) lives with his single father Werner (62) in a cramped flat in an East Berlin apartment block. His little brother David (8) is in a sheltered housing group. Karl feels overwhelmed in his contact with him, because David looks to Karl for what Werner can no longer provide as a father. Something unexpected …
- 原著故事发生在涩谷,一个以音乐为中心的亚文化蓬勃发展的地方。以投射人们“真实思想”的神秘空间“Sekai”为舞台,少男少女将上演寻找自己的“真实想法”与“自我之歌”的故事。