  • 电影少女
  • 故事发生在1940年,德军的铁蹄踏上了法国的土地,让这个美丽的国家满目疮痍。一间屋子里,老人(让·马力·罗宾 Jean-Marie Robain 饰)和他的侄女(妮科尔·斯黛芬 Nicole Stéphane 饰)相依为命,战火并没有扰乱他们平静的生活。某日,一位名叫凡尔奈(霍华德·沃侬 Howard Vernon 饰)的德国军官同老人和侄女住到了一起,出于自尊和立场,老…
  • 电影生活
  • Vikings versus Vampires - Because if Vampires were real, Vikings would be the only kind of mortal that may stand a chance against them. The story twists and cuts back and forth through time, with predominantly a modern day theme. With a ray of diverse characters, Cast and Crew have a somewhat different kind of applicat…
  • 前卫运动从现实生活拓展至网路世界,本该无伤大雅的迷因成为了洗脑工具。一群来自电脑文化最深处的无名网路小白透过钓鱼文及网路迷因,使他们的行为艺术及理念得以在主流媒体上曝光。
  • 15-year-old Jack is on a French Exchange trip with his school. But his mum won't stop ringing to check-up on him. On his last night, his host falls ill and Jack is forced to spend the last day of the trip with his French teacher; the sexy, chic, mysterious Camille. But she is due to endure a family lunch to celebrate h…
  • Mahal is a part of an elite squad of skilled hunters responsible for keeping the world safe from vampires and other creatures of the night. Her mission to rid the world of this undead threat becomes compromised when her fate intertwines with an aswang (a vampire of Philippine folklore).
  • Dr Zhivago is one of the best known love stories of the 20th century, but the setting of the book also made it famous. It’s a tale of passion and fear, set against a backdrop of revolution and violence. The film is what most people remembe…