- By day, Malika helps defend clients; by night, she becomes Diana Boss, battling with other rappers. In both roles, true to her convictions, she fights the same injustices that she herself is a victim of. To find her place in society, Malika must choose: Law or rap?
- 年轻人埃洛(Leandro Stivelman 饰)踩高跷、套公仔,干着一份平常且卑微的工作。父亲的死(Hugo Arana 饰)给他的生活带来巨大的触动,从出殡那天开始,埃洛仿佛随时可以看到父亲的身影。而实际上,他罹患了失眠症,夜晚经常无意识地四处走动。\r\n 某晚,埃洛照例梦游,却不慎从邻居家的天窗跌落下去,摔在性感女子艾尔维拉(Antone…
- Maris lives together with his brother in a tiny village. He is a local soul sick. Once a rifle is given into his hands. Together with other villagers, Maris becomes a Wehrmacht soldier. He will be remembered by History as a nameless killer with no human traits worthy of mention, but one: HE WAS HERE. But surely there m…