- This suspense-thriller combines groundbreaking cinematography and thought-provoking music, to tell the story of two men whose lives are turned upside down by the mysterious contents of a safe. When Carter relocates to a quaint Pennsylvania town to care for his ailing mother things go surprisingly well. Almost immediate…
- Marianne has had enough. She wants a divorce. She and her husband Gustaf stopped having sex a long time ago and she wants to live life at its fullest.
- This film is a poignant social drama based on true life events at the turn of the century which helped shape history to make the Ireland we know today.
- Lukas (15), a rebellious teenager, runs away from home. When his little brother accidentally tags along, his plans take a very different turn.
- Seven friends go on a remote jungle vacation where they are terrorized by a primeval spirit, but as they struggle to survive they come to realize that they brought the evil with them.