- In this modern adaptation of the Don Quixote theme based on a novel by Graham Greene, Quixote is an old Spanish village priest who travels through Spain with his friend, Sancho, the village's mayor and his car called Rocinante. On their way he has to master the same adventures as his ancestor.
- A little girl is born with a tail that expresses her emotions. As a child, her parents celebrate their daughter's uniqueness and her tail inspires magical make-believe adventures with her friends. As she grows up, however, the young woman faces pressure to fit in, and must choose between conformity and self-expression.…
- Anno 2020. Napoli è una città sicura, pulita e moderna, grazie all'impresa straordinaria compiuta dal suo sindaco, Nicolino Amore. Nato poverissimo, figlio di una contrabbandiera e di un parcheggiatore abusivo alcolizzato, all'inizio della…