- 天猫金妆奖做为“美妆奥斯卡”,历时六年已备受业内外关注。一年一度的“金妆奖之夜颁奖典礼”更是成为了中国美妆界的年度盛会,颁出的各类奖项成为了美妆行业的风向标。2021年度的“金妆奖之夜”将于4月14日在上海举办。今年的金妆奖以“Renew”为主题,希望在后疫情时代传递给行业和消费者美的力量,与天猫金妆奖一同见证美力新世界的诞生!
- THE CLINCH is a coming-of-age series about real adolescence, about moments in life when young people on the threshold of adulthood complete high school and become university students or find jobs, and start to fulfil or become disappointed with their ambitions. It is a period when life starts slapping us down and we mu…