- There once was a king (Victor Rebengiuc) which had a glorious beauties daughter (Manuela Harabor). This was in love with a hefty (Adrian Paduraru) and also was coveted by Kite (Mircea Diaconu) that the king wanted to slay him with a formidable weapon that invented: weapon firing back. When the kite takes possession of …
- In The Little Fish in Love a city is seen as open, accessible, multiethnic and free to travel around. This depiction of space alters a stereotypic image of a Socialist city that prevailed in the Soviet film making industry – a city centripetal and unexposed to outer impacts. In the film by Karpykov the city becomes exp…
- 列兵热尼亚,是莫斯科来的有教养的小伙子,他出院返回前线。他专心埋头于读书,两耳不闻窗外事。他经常会制造一些麻烦,让他的领导——中尉感到头疼。一次,热尼亚偶遇部队女通信兵热尼亚奇卡,并爱上了她。热尼亚奇卡全然不知,只把热尼亚当做大男孩,后来才逐渐爱上他。不久,热尼亚奇卡调往师部,两人在红军攻克柏林后才再次相遇。他们高兴地…
- Sexy girl seduces all the members of her family. She indirectly causes the failure of his father's marriage, for her stepmother falls in love with her. Then, she has affairs with her father's stepson, and with the farm housekeeper. She and some friends are also raped by some bad guys. But they all celebrate the ruin of…