搜索 Gallant

  • 经典台湾武侠电影,一代名将岳飞的传奇人生。
  • A man helps a woman escape from a psychiatric hospital, they then embark on a somber and sleazy road trip to nowhere. Along the way they encounter a variety of folks who also are all crazy. In all fairness the plot kind of plods along in parts, it could have been a half an hour or so shorter.
  • Synopsis: A self-loved lad flirts with young ladies in the street. It occurs that he meets a woman who puts him in his place. She cunningly uses his willful generosity to buy her all sort of things from luxurious stores. At the end of the shopping she presents him to her husband as a bag carrier. Bulgarian Is A Gallant…
  • A young orphan farmboy has dreams of building a ranch with his horse Bess. But it's WWII, and he joins the navy and has to leave Bess behind. But while on patrol in the jungle, he finds a wounded horse to nurse back to health and to love. And in return, this new Bess not only becomes the unit mascot, but also saves the…
  • 一部挺可爱的同志喜剧片....   Josh偶然发现自己同居十年的BF竟然和年轻的帅哥胡搞, 一气之下和BF分手, 恢复自由身...然后面临不可避免的处境: 为自己物色一个新男友....于是一连串的约会, 好笑又令人郁闷....最后, 新的BF竟然是...............???   影片讨论了所有同志都头疼的一个问题....How to find urself M…
  • 电影