- Brady Hawkes, The Gambler, receives a letter from his son indicating he needs help. This sends Brady to the rescue. Along the way Brady meets up with Billy Montana, a young man who thinks he knows everything about playing cards. Brady teaches Billy a few lessons along the way and they end up forming a strong friendship…
- 装饰古朴的房间内,两个人相对坐在地板上。他们铺开一张类似棋盘的东西,从口袋里拿出白色的物体。两个人交替碰触,白色物体仿佛有生命一般,每碰一下便宛如惊弓之鸟,变幻出不同的形状。它们仿佛从碰触中汲取能量,一次一次,活力十足,继而尽情地舞动,千变万化,大千世界,无所不有。这其中有黑有白,相互排斥,又相互融合,相辅相成。你永远…
- Bruce Sweeney (Last Wedding) returns to the Festival with this neo-noir police procedural — set against the backdrop of economic hard times — about a failed real estate agent (Nicholas Lea, in a bravura performance) whose recent attempt to…