- During the height of political tensions in 1960s Berlin, a little girl was peacefully transferred from East to West Berlin by her family's effort and love. However, after negotiations between the Red Cross and the East German government resulting in her release, her transportation was nearly erased from popular histori…
- 某一天,一颗陨石坠落地球,引发不可思议的时空扭曲。穿越时空隧道出现的,是来自40年后的未来假面骑士波塞冬(浜田賢二 饰)。与其它伙伴相比,这是一个好战求胜的战争狂,他发誓要打败所有现代的假面骑士。以此为契机,火野映司(渡部秀 饰)、后藤慎太郎(君嶋麻耶 饰)和伊达明(岩永洋昭 饰)暂时告别普通人生活,挫败波塞冬的野心,并救回…
- A musical centered on the romance between a wealthy slacker and an Arab law student.