- A talented young woman from a rural village travels to the "Big City" of Johannesburg, South Africa to become a Star. She lands a role in a musical play about Zulu Queen Mkabayi, Shaka's Aunt and searches for her identity as a Performer, a Zulu, a Woman and a Daughter. Will she be able to keep up with her mor…
- "A benevolent 17th-cenury toy maker leaves his shop one night to take some of his toys to some good little children whose parents can't afford them. On his way back, he meets three attractive women with exaggerated orthodonture and what he's become still exists into the present, still judges who's naughty and nice…
- Poshter Boyz is a humorous take on a key social issue where three ordinary individuals of completely different age-groups find themselves brought together in an unwanted situation that has a serious negative effect on their well-settled happily progressing life. It revolves around an incident of three ordinary people w…
- 在1949年荷兰殖民军队袭击印尼共和国首都的背景下,两个家庭面临各种的问题:特蒙顿失去了父亲,并和祖母一起生活;罗莫参与了新生共和国的独立斗争,他的妻子却在担心女儿与其他人的感情问题