- Sem Essa, Aranha is a most trenchant, gruelling political comment/exhortation/vomit on Brazilian society (although not without humour), reflecting through a distorted lens the extreme conditions and difficulties of those times: the retrenchment of one's individuality; the impossibility of exercising free expression; th…
- In the B&W first part, a customs agent, Dr. Amnésio, examines some reels of film, a documentary Orson Welles made about Brazil, and tries to confiscate the material. The color second part shows a party in which those repression agents cele…
- Silmara, an industrial worker and a woman of exuberant beauty, supports her arsonist father and gets involved with two different pop stars, from whom she learns traumatic life lessons. In Sao Paulo, the gorgeous and sexy worker Silmara (Rosane Mulholland) is a witty and smart leader of her colleagues and friends in the…