- Arjun lives a poor lifestyle in Madhopur along with his school-master dad, Bansilal, mom, and sister. His family is abused by Thakur Suryanarayan Singh's men and are forced to leave the region. Years later Arjun returns to avenge this humiliation but ends up getting arrested for killing a village belle, Tulsi, while hi…
- A group of kids embarks in a macabre adventure, full of characters from the Brazilian popular imaginary - the werewolf, a witch, a ghost, monsters and The Saci. With the anthological meeting between four of the most important names in the Brazilian horror: Rodrigo Aragao, Petter Baiestorf, Joel Caetano and Jose Mojica …
- Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saadet.
- 婚后生活并不幸福的家庭主妇笹本纱和(上户彩饰)心中愁绪无人能知,在超市打工之际她意外结识了刚搬到她家附近的泷川利佳子(吉濑美智子饰)以及某所中学的生物教师北野裕一郎(斋藤工饰)。利佳子的丈夫工作体面,家境优渥,但是这个空虚的女人却沉湎不伦带来的快感。纱和起初并不认同利佳子的人生态度,可偏偏在对方的安排下和颇有好感的北野…