- Towani一家乘坐的星际巡洋舰在恩多卫星上坠毁了。Towani家的爸爸和妈妈和他们的两个孩子Mace与Cindel失散了。伊渥克族人——恩多卫星上的土著——找到了这两个孩子。尽管孩子们与伊渥克族的交流起初非常困难,Mace和Cindel最终还是说服了伊渥克族人帮助找寻他们的父母。
- An ode to cinema as a sensation. A train thunders through a tunnel, seagulls screech above the water. An empty station, a bleak harbour and two lonely souls in a grey town. He’s an engine driver, she sells tickets for the ferry. He sees her every day in his train and is secretly in love. Is there hope for love in Athen…
- The White Guard Army led by General Anton Denikin are laying siege to a southern city in order to prevent a rebellion. They are also blocking the railway, but Chekist Zavarzin is in a hurry to travel south. In a flash of inspiration, he decides to use tachankas or machine gun carts to reach his destination, and attract…