搜索 Gav

  • When former comedian Mark McCarthy is faced with a rare form of cancer, he hires a young, impressionable cameraman to document his crude and comical lessons on what it means to be a man for his unborn son.当著名的喜剧演员马克麦卡锡面临着一种罕见的癌症,他为他那未出生的孩子成长为一个男人,雇用了一个年轻的、易受影响的摄影师,来记录他的粗暴滑稽的教训。
  • 电影动作
    A hitman is poisoned and tries to find a cure and seek revenge before time runs out.
  • 【中文名称】:蚂蚁国度 / 蚂蚁星球【英文名称】:Planet Ant有没有想过,每天爬过你家地板的蚂蚁,它们的巢穴原来犹如一座设计巧妙的迷宫,满布大量通道和洞穴,组成一个错落有致、高度组织化的复杂群落?《蚂蚁国度》将带你一窥蚁巢里的神奇王国!蚂蚁总是集体行动,并且分工明确,令科学家着迷。《蚂蚁国度》中,生物学家利用数个特制玻璃箱…
  • 墨西哥,多拉达山区已经失去了往日的祥和与平静。原来,这里发现了储量十分丰富的金矿。这一令人垂涎的消息刚传出,各式各样的淘金者发疯似地涌进了这一地区,同样,这一消息,也带来了抢夺、杀戮和血腥味!庞乔,既是这一带横行乡里的恶霸,又是这里金矿的矿主,他养着一大批无赖和打手,他们按庞乔的旨意,横行霸道,谁发现了金矿就杀谁。然而…
  • The DVD portion of this release contains a documentary of Justice's March 2008 North American tour. This documentary is directed by Romain Gavras, So Me and the band themselves. The documentary is meant to cover less of the band's live shows, and more of their personal experience touring.[1]The live portion of this rel…
  • A parable on the destruction of the planet.
  • After the death of their grandfather, Jairo and Marina, his young amnesic and mute cousin, go back and try to recover the land from which she was displaced years ago. This film is a portrait of Colombia, a country that has suffered a civil war during the last 60 years.
  • 这是一个有趣、新奇、令人不安的故事,是对一个女人由于对浪漫的执着妄想而游走在生活边缘的生动描述。三十年前,当林赛-罗翰和小甜甜布兰妮的私生活还未成为人们茶余饭后的谈资,怀俄明州小姐乔伊斯-麦金尼已经是众多媒体竞相追逐的八卦对象。导演莫里斯的镜头跟随着这位选美皇后的经历揭开了她淫乱的旅程。乔伊斯金发碧眼、身材傲人,并拥有高…