- Bopo是图书管理员,一成不变的生活让他感到烦厌,直到发现一本可以改变职业的命运书,让他随心所欲变成各行各业的人。他能就此摆脱无聊的生活吗?2016青春影展 观众人气奖第十一届螺丝起子国际学生短片创作影展 动画类铜奖2016A 新秀设计竞赛 数位媒体类 金奖
- Meteorites flies to the Earth. People have to make decision and push the Earth away from the deadly flow. They cling to the ball to the spacecraft. Conflict begins when they met strange creatures, who believes in God Jah.
- Van Morrison and guests captured live in concert at the Beacon Theatre in New York City on 30th November 1989.