- Mnet的《Stage Fighter》是一档不同男舞者竞赛生存节目。来自芭蕾舞、现代舞和韩国舞蹈流派的男舞者将通过身体表达信息进行经典比赛。专业舞者将纯粹舞蹈与流行元素相结合,演绎精彩的群舞,掀起场场激烈的舞蹈大战。最令人期待的是,男舞者们将通过充满活力的技巧和细腻表现力的舞蹈,展现能引起观众共鸣的魅力。
- 跨齡差距的結伴青春旅行 走訪在地文化行銷台灣! 全台唯一!跨世代明星旅遊實境節目! 節目透過2位花甲明星 2位少年偶像,以明星自由行為基底衍生出的旅程,讓景點更添加了故事性與生命力!有關規劃的景點與推薦的美食都注入明星們的觀點,令節目充滿想像力! 世代差異的旅遊個性,激盪出充滿意外行的實境自助旅行,旅程中將透過半記錄式的拍攝…
- Ventriloquist Dunham's iconic characters portray roles from A Christmas Carol. Walter as Scrooge clashes with Bubba J, Peanut, Little Jeff and Achmed over their assigned parts.
- Erik van Lieshout returns to his birthplace: a former peat harvesting region known as the Deurnese Peel, now a nature reserve in the province of North Brabant in the southwest of the Netherlands. The internationally renowned artist spent 8 months in the area, supported by the nearby Het Noordbrabants Museum. He created…
- Lucy from Palermo is studying music in England and is very pregnant. Her mother and teenage sister visit to be with her for the birth of baby Futura. Afterward the three of them return to Sicily, where Kitim, the father of Futura, also lives. As she’s forced to give up her studies due to student debt, Lucy also faces …