- Yi-Ming, whose husband works outside of town, lives alone with her son. After years apart, she reconnects with Ting-Ting at a wedding, a girl she was intimate with back in high school. The encounter with Ting-Ting not only sets Yi-Ming free from her oppressive marriage but also reawakens her feelings for Ting-Ting. Now…
- 和家人很多年没有往来之后,克莉丝汀又在一个平安夜晚上孤独睡去,醒来后发现回到了1996年圣诞节的早晨,因此她不得不重新过一遍她一生中最糟糕的圣诞节!不过这次,克莉丝汀决定做点不一样的事,希望能改变她那留有遗憾的过去,以及并不如意的未来。