搜索 Ghost

  • 电影悬疑
    人之魂善而魄恶,人之魂灵而魄愚,魄主宰人身,当魂离开身体,便会沦为恶鬼僵尸。毛十八做了一个梦,梦里南有驱魔龙族马氏一家,北有茅山道士毛氏一族,毛氏一族最出名的就是驱魔道士毛小方, 而他则成为了茅山道士第四十六代传人,一直以来秉承祖训以守正辟邪为己任,兢兢业业,勤勤恳恳地守护一方安宁。并且同死党胖子、小玲揭开了一起化工厂…
  • A paranormal investigator travels to the South to research a series of deaths connected to a supernatural curse haunting an old Louisiana family.
  • A young woman gets involved with an awkward young man but soon they find out that neither are who or what they say they are.
  • 电影
  • Lonely Noreen daydreams of being whisked away by a square-jawed cowboy, but her reality is far more mundane. She lives virtually enslaved on the family farm in the North of England, with only her father's demeaning comments about her weight as company. So it's no wonder that she pays attention to the first thing that's…
  • 为了保护人类免受未知的电脑病毒“崩源体病毒感染症”的感染与危害,假面骑士Ex-Aid(饭岛宽骑 配音)与来自电脑网络的敌人持续展开战斗。这一日,脱胎自经典电脑游戏《吃豆人》的游戏病毒生命体“吃豆人”突然袭来,人类世界陷入空前的危机。令人意想不到的是,该病毒危害性极其之大,甚至假面骑士Ghost的本体天空寺尊(西铭骏 饰)都受到感染…
  • A minor celebrity and her husband head out on the road to investigate the most haunted house in America for their very own reality show, but upon arriving at the Devil's Commune things become worse than they could have ever imagined. They wanted fame, they found HELL.