- 高校時代にミステリー研究会で一緒だった5人組は、同窓会を兼ねて15年前に起きた密室殺人事件の謎解きに挑戦する。1通のメールをもとに、5人は人里離れた洋館にやってくるが…。
- When a photograph is taken at the scene of a murder, the camera is tossed out of a castle window to destroy the evidence and lands in the back of a passing car belonging to chemist John Gray who becomes amateur sleuth after developing the film and goes in search of the woman captured by the photograph. When the camera …
- The film is based on a purportedly true story, which has since become one of the most famous "time slips". The two ladies' real names were Annie Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, who at the time occupied high teaching positions within Oxford University. The script is based on their book "An Adventu…