- 随着城市发展,麦兜住的旧区大脚咀也卷入了拆迁漩涡。不过无忧无虑的麦兜从来不会去考虑拆迁对他意味着什么,春田花花幼稚园又开学了。为了适应激烈的社会竞争,春天花花幼稚园也加入很多令人捧腹的新课程:耍赖、诈死等等。麦太在樟木头买了块墓地,为了日后能有个安身之所。时光飞逝,一切又回到了从前,回到了麦兜的父亲菠萝油王子的时代。王…
- The story unfolds the day after the assault and revolves around three characters (the victim, the attacker and the female police officer with whom the victim pressed charges), who have to face the repercussions of this night that changed all three of them.
- Since autumn 2019, a green wave has been sweeping across Europe. The climate issues raised by Greta Thunberg and the thousands of protesters are bringing a new, younger, female generation to power, promising to shake up the climate-sceptic old guard. A wind of change anticipated by banks and public institutions, who fo…
- 随着城市发展,麦兜住的旧区大脚咀也卷入了拆迁漩涡。不过无忧无虑的麦兜从来不会去考虑拆迁对他意味着什么,春田花花幼稚园又开学了。为了适应激烈的社会竞争,春天花花幼稚园也加入很多令人捧腹的新课程:耍赖、诈死等等。麦太在樟木头买了块墓地,为了日后能有个安身之所。时光飞逝,一切又回到了从前,回到了麦兜的父亲菠萝油王子的时代。王…
- The feature revolves around a girl who has just started a new school and is torn between protecting her brother from bullying and gaining acceptance from her peers.