- 萌田薰子是一名十五岁的女子高中生,同是也是一名四格漫画家。从很小的时候起,薰子就渴望着漫画家这一给读者带来快乐的职业,并且一直想着实现理想而方向努力前进着。怀揣着理想,薰子搬进了专门为漫画家提供住所的女子宿舍,在这里,薰子解释了一群志同道合的好友们。个性开朗思想单纯的少女漫画家恋冢小梦、虽然表面看来十分正经害羞,但实际…
- After a personal battle with brain cancer, Nicholson wants to get back at doing what he loves, and that is making underground cult films containing some of the blackest humor and sickest shit on celluloid. More Dead Nude Girls is by no means Nicholson's finest hour, unfortunately, and feels like it should have been fea…
- 新生私立女子校·五棱馆学园背后有着不为人知的一面——由于时空歪曲而出现的谜之妖魔“Oburi”。能与这些人类之敌对抗的,唯有具备能探知五次元空间能力的被作“Striker”的少女们。五棱馆学园同时也是选拔出具备素养的少女们,并养成讨伐Oburi的战斗部队“Fifth Force”的机关。隶属于新结成的队伍“Altair Torte”的五位少女的战斗与友…
- Dalia and her two sisters grow up in a pagan apocalyptic cult. She escapes and the cult is closed and broken up by authorities - or so Dalia thought. Years later the cult could still be active? - and her two sisters are still missing. Dalia must journey through the dark world of black metal to find her sisters and conf…