- On the back staircases of a residential building, girls smoke hidden from their parents. They take off their clothes to prevent being denounced by the smell of smoke. Cora is 30 years old. She lives in the same building as the girls, and is stuck in an unhappy marriage. The woman catches the girls smoking. From then on…
- 游戏圈真可谓藏龙卧虎,有普通的玩家,也有军方或实力雄厚的公司成员。现在国外非官方组织打造了一段现代战争2真人电影短片《Modern Warfare:Frozen Crossing》,曾在4月份的时候我们已经见识过这个小组的第一部《现代战争2》短片《Modern Warfare:Frozen Crossing》,当时只耗资200美元就打造出了那段比较专业的电影短片,今天Corri…