搜索 Gita

  • Hot Wins (made in the majority language, Hindi) boldly confronts a problem familiar to every Indian but hitherto 'taboo' in Indian cinema, theatre and literature: the tension between the Hindu majority and the Muslim minority in India, one of the most delicate and sensitive issues in Indian politics. Indian art had con…
  • 这是一部很另类的恐怖电影,它讲述了六个美国人去参加一个日本的电视求生节目“切割机”,他们必须得战胜三名节目组派来杀他们的屠夫才能够存活下来,这些人各带着各自的目的来参加这个求生节目,并且要对付嗜血的医生、拿着电锯的疯子以及具有宗教色彩的杀手牧师……他们究竟能不能存活 ?这个节目的幕后制作人到底有什么样的目的?本片使用了…
  • « C’est un poème sur les gens. Ce qu'ils croient et ce qu'ils veulent. Et ce qu'ils croient vouloirMême si peu nombreuses sont les choses sur cette terre. Qui méritent notre intérêt..." Poème de Nathan Zach, extrait du film, lu par J…
  • Rich and pretty, Susila returns from college to find that her family is being bumped off one by one. The only clues are a half smoked cigar left at the scene of each murder and a mysterious woman in white running through the courtyard.
  • 电影剧情
    当前摔跤冠军卡基得知他的儿子搜搜陷入困境时,他从佐治亚州前往纽约帮助他并了解发生了什么……莱万·科瓜什维利将他的最新作品放在了布鲁克林的布莱顿海滩,捕捉到了来自前苏联的移民所居住的社区的多元氛围——在这个地方,语言和种族混合在一起,大多数商店的招牌都是西里尔文,人们对祖 国的怀念与他们当前的痛苦交织在一起。这部电影充满…
  • SharpCorner
    After a car crashes into his front yard, a family man develops an unhealthy obsession with being ready for the next accident. And the next.
  • StitchtheRuin
    Stitch the Ruin reflects on the conceptual, historical, and social concerns surrounding clothing production. We see interconnected microscopic images of textiles mostly gathered from Zagreb’s legendary flea market Hrelić, lists of shut factories, many named after the partisan heroines of the Antifascist Women’s Front. …
  • Chaplin|EspírituGitano
    Featuring exclusive interviews and unprecedented access to the Chaplin estate, the film is a revealing exploration of Chaplin’s Romany heritage constructed from intimate interviews, film extracts, home movies and contributions from renowne…
  • 电视剧犯罪
    《法律与秩序:特殊受害》,于1999年开始播出,是首播于1990年的美国电视史上播映时间最长犯罪剧集《法律与秩序》的三部姐妹剧之一。其它两部分别是2001年开播的《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》(Law & Order: Criminal xfplay5.com Intent),和2005年《法律与秩序:陪审团》(Law and Order: Trial By Jury) 。被残忍…