搜索 Giuli

  • 【注】:本片的imdb编号被人滥用,电影《阿司匹林》的相关页面在这里:http://www.douban.com/subject/1464548/ 请大家更换收藏,抱歉。--豆瓣团队
  • This movie, based on a novel by Giorgio Bassani, plays in the high-day of Mussolini's Fascist Italy. Eraldo is a golden boy, a stunningly beautiful college student and boxer, popular and spoiled rotten by his mother. To keep living beyond his means he 'gratiously accepts' the generous, rarely returned favors of Dr. Fad…
  • 伊凡带新婚妻子旺达到罗马度蜜月,这是历史上最缺乏浪漫色彩的蜜月之行,严格死板的安排便是与亲人朋友见面,会见主教等。但年轻貌美的旺达痴迷于一个源于浮华表面的卡通英雄,于是临阵逃婚,开始寻找她那神往的白酋长……
  • 电影恐怖
  • A cinquante ans, Cesare Conversi a travaillé toute sa vie avec abnégation. Un jour, il voit mourir dans le tram un homme de son âge. Obsédé par l’approche inexorable de la mort, il s’arrête de travailler afin de profiter de la vie avant …
  • Still active in their eighties with such well-received films as CAESAR MUST DIE, the Taviani brothers first made an international splash with this striking allegorical drama. Survivors of a disastrous volcanic eruption on one remote island flee to a neighboring isle where their forced cohabitation with the more peaceab…
  • 他是守护天使,她是梦中女神。他是温文书呆子,宁愿当酒店大堂夜更接待,只为有更多时间沉迷古籍字海。她冲动率性,爱音乐,日间当小职员,晚上抱个结他在酒廊自弹自唱。一奏倾情,他由粉丝变情人。性格南辕北辙,生活规律迥异,然而相爱六年,仍如胶似漆。但当他们都想生小孩,却迟迟未见动静,不育焦虑益增,爱情的考验就接踵而来。一阕动人恋…
  • 影片改编自作家克劳迪奥-比盖里的小说作品。这是吉娜和马克工作的第一天,吉娜需要和一位政要会面,后者将帮助她涉足演艺圈,马克则是他的司机,将会陪同她一起参加这个重要的会面活动。两人都很年轻,都渴望获得成功,而那位政要则提出让他们一起度过一个特殊的日子,探索彼此的内心,发现 生活对于各自的价值。
  • Decameroticus is a 1972 film directed by Pier Giorgio Ferretti.   Inspired by tales of Boccaccio, Aretino and Bandello, it is divided into five episodes, in which the main theme is that of the cuckolded husband.   In the episode The cucumb…