- 乔丹皮尔继自编自导《逃出绝命镇》和《我们》之后全新力作《不!》本片阵容包括史蒂文·元、丹尼尔·卡卢亚和柯柯·帕尔莫!他们饰演位于加州内陆一座荒凉小镇的居民,他们目击了一场令人不安及不寒而栗的诡异发现。
- In 2018, the Nicaraguan police brutally repressed anti-government protests organised by high school students. K., a 17-year-old girl who was arrested, recounts the horrors of her time in jail. This is the story of K., a 17-year-old girl in Nicaragua who was arrested in 2018. In solidarity with senior citizens, whose pr…
- Isolated in an empty house, Ian remains in grief over the loss of a woman he loved who died two decades ago. The memory clamoring to be released, and his daily existence turning ever darker, Ian will have to find a way to let her go.
- Directedby:SaroVarjabedianSynopsis:JimmyBaz,adown-and-outprivate-eyeisreluctantlyhiredbytheparentsofamissingcollegeagedboytofindtheirson.AsJimmysearchesforthemissingboyhestumblesuponaseriesofmurdersandnowbelievesheisonthehuntforaserialkillertargetingmuslimmen.Thingstakeasinisterturnashisinvestigationleadshimintotheunde…