- Dan Petrescu 59 mins – Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea, 6th December 1997.Remember when Frank Leboeuf angled a superb ball over the Spurs defence and Dan Petrescu gracefully chipped a stranded Ian Walker to increase the Blues’ lead in a game t…
- A documentary on the love affair between the city of Chicago and its baseball team, the Cubs.
- 在蔚蓝的大海中央耸立着一座小岛,海鸥围着小岛自由飞翔,无忧无虑。就在此时,哆啦王、哆啦尼科夫等哆啦A梦七小子乘坐魔法飞毯来到了这里。突然之间,大海中升起一座机械巨塔,塔顶站着一个相貌邪恶的男人阿奇莫夫,他手里拿着一个足球。男人将足球扔进附近的球场,七小子同仇敌忾跳入场中。随后四周围变出了成千上万的观众,他们欢呼雀跃,掌…