- From Warner Brothers films of the 1930's comes 21 complete musical numbers that established forever the genius of Busby Berkeley. The segments are escapism, pure and simple, except they're never simple. Instead Berkeley shoots through floors, through roofs and through one kaleidoscopic array of leggy chorines after ano…
- From Maguire & Baucus catalogue: This scene shows almost the entire Fire Department led by the Chief, responding to an alarm. The horses, said to be the finest of their kind in the country, present a thrilling spectacle as they dash rapidly by, flecked with foam, and panting from the exertion of their long gallop.
- 某监狱接待室,四周空空荡荡,只在房间中央摆着一张桌子和一把椅子,墙壁灰黑老旧,破败颓废。外面淅淅沥沥下着雨,不时有汽车放着刺眼的光芒从窗前缓缓驶过。一个青年,独自对着镜头,侃侃而谈他的人生经历。他生在一个小偷世家,经常随着家人潜入超市盗窃。长大后又混迹帮派,各种非法活动皆有涉及。如今身处囹圄,他开始向往着自由和幸福的生…