搜索 Goo

  • When his new girlfriend gets deported on a technicality, Ross hires a fake husband to get her back into the country because he's not ready to commit to marriage.
  • The moving story of a woman with an untreatable heart condition whose life is transformed by a service dog, and what happens when she has to let go of the loyal companion who changed her life.
  • On a crossroad between forgiveness and revenge, the audience are asked to make a decision. Through LEE Su-A's life, we wanted to portra y the harshness of reality. What choice will the love-lost LEE Su-A make, stuck between despair and hope? Condemned with unfortunate events.. her saving grace is love. People and love.
  • based on the myth of Frau Perchta, a witch that comes on the 12 days of Christmas taking children each night.
  • Two children on vacation in Egypt with their archaeologist parents expose the villainy of Arab workmen and help their father find the treasure he seeks.
  • Mr. Rudolpho's Jubilee is a romantic comedy with musical narration by Bright Blue Gorilla! It is the story of a world-famous Italian fashion designer who becomes disillusioned with his shallow life and decides to commit suicide during Berlin Fashion Week. Fortunately, his plan goes wrong and he's taken in by a group of…
  • 电影由三个相互穿插关联的短片组成。   《趾高气昂的女人》:郁美刚一踏上社会就遭遇了求职被拒的悲惨事件,之后更是被一直以来暗恋的男生让情敌抢去的消息打击得不轻,然而,坚强又倔强的郁美决定将伤痛埋藏在心底。一次偶然中,郁美结识了名叫早田真的男人,意外的是,郁美竟然被这个满嘴胡话的男人吸引了   《声音颤抖的女人》:六美心地…
  • 电影剧情
    黄小小、李想、林贝贝都是刚入学的一年级新生,他们所在的一班并非有意―― 却是鬼使神差地将一帮调皮捣蛋的男孩子分到了一起。孩子们课堂上脱裤子放屁听响, 戴假发套做老师的“模仿秀”等一系列恶作剧,让老师们感到一班真是成了全校的 “邪门儿一班”了。 今年刚从师范学院毕业的辛新老师了解到这一情况后,主动找到校长要求替代扭 伤了脚的…
  • 这不是一个纯粹的饮食节目,苏施黄也不只是由浅入深地向大家传授家常小菜的煮食之道,她还会边煮边闲话家常,甚至可以漫无边际地说着与饮食无丝毫关系的话题,你的思维也会不由得随着她的跳跃而变得游离起来,还会从她絮絮叨叨的话语中学会许多,也会感悟到更多。可以说,《苏GOOD》其实就是“煮食真人秀”,赢的是够“真”,“真”得不能太真。…