- The Mask of Sanity is a modern re-imagining of character archetype of someone who walks the fine line between being a genius and a psychopath, and the consequences and weight of such a life.
- 高级警官潘迪先生(Amrish Puri) 为了培养新的警察部队, 招聘一批军人. 给他们机会参与各个不一样公平角斗, 还他们的生活环境所不同, 这些军官一定要坚强起来任何艰苦的环境下打败面前的贪官和暴力, 歹徒分子. 就这样他们创造自己的特殊命运.
- Bad Luck Govind is a movie starring Gaurav Kapoor, Hrishitaa Bhatt, and Govind Namdeo. Gangsters attempt to force a newly re-located male with 'bad luck' syndrome to work for them.