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  • 阿达,一个美丽的服装设计师,她和男友编剧保罗的感情看起来不冷不热。古多是保罗的搭档,他因为自己的爱情困扰时常向保罗诉苦,并请求帮助。保罗对此无可奈何。阿达建议把自己的助手,新来的年轻设计师丽萨介绍给古多,不想丽萨却疯狂地追求起保罗。制片人阿尔方斯是一个花花公子,他的爱情理论刺激了保罗,使他最终接受了丽萨的爱情,并在阿达…
  • As Susan Hamilton sleeps she dreams that she is another person in an alternative reality as her greatest fears are acted out she is pursued by the notorious serial killer known as the Night Stalker.
  • Carl Theodor Dreyer's classic silent film tells the tale of Satan's (Helge Nissen) banishment from heaven. In order to return, Satan must perform acts of temptation upon humanity with the stipulation that for every soul who yields, 100 years www.xiaokan.cc will be added to his time on Earth. For every soul who resists,…
  • Carroll McKane's DVcams have recorded the deaths of his 36 past victims. His killing room, a makeshift studio, is the set for the murders of two more victims and the torture of a forensic psychiatrist, destined to be his biographer and the killer of his final victim... number 39.
  • what can i say...要想了解60年代的法国时尚前卫文化,首看此片,再看《ANNA》。Too bad this European cult film of the Sixties, written and directed by an American whose photo documentary reportage on New York, Rome, and Tokyo is legendary, is all but imposs…
  • 电影冒险
  • 庞蛋的摄像器
    Punt & Dennis: the bright comedy duo with a distinctive style ahead of their time.They will take you on a rollercoaster ride of spontaneous stand-up sketches, bits of film, a sitcom set in a fast food restaurant and a serial about the world`s worst assassin.
  • 电影生活
    弗朗西斯(伊蒙·欧文斯 Eamonn Owens 饰)生活在一个不幸的家庭之中,父亲是个酒鬼,每每喝醉了酒就会对懦弱又精神不稳定的母亲拳打脚踢。乔伊是弗朗西斯唯一的朋友,两人常常以取笑捉弄菲利普(Andrew Fullerton 饰)为乐。残酷的现实让弗朗西斯喜欢躲进漫画中的神奇世界里,脑袋里充满了稀奇古怪的幻想。母亲终于精神崩溃被送进了疯人院,无…
  • 电影科幻
    故事发生在1921年的埃及,一支探险队在法老的坟墓里发现了因霍特(波利斯·卡洛夫 Boris Karloff 饰)的木乃伊。因霍特曾经是一名王子,因为受到了法老的诅咒而遭遇了活活陪葬的悲惨命运。在墓穴中同时被发现的,还有一份神秘的卷轴,在传说中,这卷轴能够赋予死人新的生命。探险队中的一名成员在阴差阳错之下念出了卷轴上的咒语,之后发狂而死…