- 可爱的动物,明亮的画面,短小精悍的故事。不要被它小清新的外表所蒙骗,动物们每集最后不被弄的支离破碎,导演们是不会善罢甘休的。强烈的反差让这部动画显得非常奇特,颇具黑色幽默。可爱外表的动物,风和日丽的开头,但结尾总会大逆转,跌破观者的想象力。各种动物轮番出场,各具特色的性格,各种离奇的死亡方法。披着小清新皮的重口味,给你…
- Leo, a guy in the seventh grade gets harassed by a two years older boy in school and seeks revenge. At the same time, Ali, the father of a girl in Leo's class (who Leo has a crush on) is contacted by a opposition group from his home country that wants Ali to assassinate an important man for them. Otherwise, they'll kil…
- There is a true story of a woman who died in her apartment and it took people a year to find her body decomposing in a crisp Chanel suit. A young man becomes obsessed with this urban tragedy and disappears, wondering if anyone will notice. A young woman who shares his commuting schedule DOES notice. And when he resurfa…