- Colombe and Jo have been friends since childhood, but their life has its difficulties. Due to finances, a death, and work-related problems, the two women are looking for a change. An unexpected opportunity arises when they find a dream home by the sea, but a lie surges up from the past to cause trouble in their lives.
- Mother Maria Pia Mastena as a young child has a vision of Jesus that leads her to a life dedicated to the Lord and others. But this life is not without challenges, both from without and within. Internal doubts and misinterpretations of her actions by those around her lead to conflicts along the way. She plods on, conti…
- 拉慣頭馬、坐慣開篷汽車的百萬富翁艾拔‧杜倫為親近俄國郡主,不惜扮鬼扮馬扮侍應來貼身侍候,幾經周折和笑料百出之後終奪得美人歸。電影改編自法國舞台喜劇,主場景為巴黎某大酒店的豪華貴賓套房,亞多富文殊演活一見鍾情的紳士,他含情脈脈的眼神,卻配上富喜感的眉額,只要一牽眉眼便搏得觀眾會心微笑。