搜索 Gras

  • I must confess that i had very low expectations about this movie. I thought that it would be a bad movie, boring and bad filmed....i was wrong. Los inquilinos is a very good indie horror movie. Its a low budget movie very well made, well directed and with cool scaring moments. Its a ghost movie in the tradition of the …
  • 影片讲述汝拉山脚,17岁的PA与一伙朋友去年在上高中,大型强子对撞机在地下400英尺的地方,探索未知的粒子。冬季到来,PA开始发觉周围的世界在移动,他开始看到有东西在发光,景观变得异常,熟悉的生态系统发生微小的变化。
  • 为了筹措争取女儿明蒂监护权官司的资金,理查在怀抱星梦的女演员莎夏的介绍下,加入一场长达24小时的舞台剧演出,希望借此获得高额的奖金,但理查却万万没想到,他即将参与一场真枪实弹的血腥屠杀秀……。
  • 六名超自然的幽灵猎人正在争夺留在纽约最闹鬼的房子,获胜者获得一百万美元。他们很少知道他们被一个残忍的灵魂 - 一个血腥的修女 - 折磨和杀害。
  • 电影
  • Seven miles from war, 85,000 Syrians struggle to restart their lives inside Jordan’s Za’atari refugee camp. For the first time in history, two filmmakers fully embed themselves in the camp, providing an intimate look at the world’s most di…
  • A great white bites a UFO aircraft in the Pacific and turns into a robo/shark hybrid.
  • Inspired by true events, this is a story about what happens when two outsiders from opposite corners of the world are thrown together: Brazil and Germany. Marten Brueckling, a retired music teacher from Germany, has inherited an original sheet of music from Bachs son. Marten has to collect the sheet in person in the be…
  • 格莱美奖得主&白金唱片组合,无伴奏人声合唱团Pentatonix 2015年北美巡演On My Way Home全记录
  • 电影生活
    2015年越南金莲花奖 最佳导演以及最佳剧情片获奖影片。  故事发生在 1980 年越南中部的一个贫穷农村,讲述了两兄弟之间在成长过程中的系列故事。一同玩耍、看家、相扶相助,弟弟崇拜哥哥,但哥哥却嫉妒弟弟因聪明多受父母夸奖。直到大火烧毁了邻居的房子,兄弟情面临崩溃……他们要如何来修补破碎的感情?跟随两兄弟的回忆,亦可领略越南小城…