- 多么晴朗的一天,游乐场内人声鼎沸,摩肩接踵,气球在空中飘扬,音乐会当在游乐场每一个角落。这一边,布鲁托(加斯•维基 Gus Wickie 配音)的广告雄赳赳气昂昂悬挂起来,他自称游乐场之王(King of the mardi gras),身体强壮,力大无比。 在他旁边有一个极其寒酸的小舞台,它属于大力水手卜派(杰克•梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)…
- One by one, all of Melinda's friends and family are being murdered. When kidnapped, she learns the horrific truth: Doctor Hatcher, a psychotic, deranged scientist, plans to perform his ultimate sadistic masterpiece the physical splicing of a man and a woman together, to become one.