- 距今2500年前,古老的印度大地战祸不断,生灵涂炭。强大的拘萨罗王国所向披靡,不断吞并周边小国。在战争阴影下,宁静的释迦国即将迎来一个伟大的生命。净饭王(観世清和 配音)的爱妃摩耶夫人按照习俗回国待产,途中生下了相貌端好的男婴,得名悉达多。悉达多自幼心地善良,美食盛筵、轻歌妙舞完全无法让他动心,而世间的生死疾苦则成为久久困…
- 不惧失败,不枉少年。萧瑟、雷无桀来到雪月城后,司空长风强行收萧瑟为徒,雷无桀与李寒衣姐弟相认。随着萧瑟进入雪月城,天启的其他王子蠢蠢欲动、纷纷寻求盟友,一场皇子间的争斗在雷家堡的英雄宴上徐徐展开。
- In 2002 one man set out to change reality TV forever. For 30 people, his dream became a nightmare. In the early 2000s, Reality TV as we know it was born. Set against the backdrop of a new millennium, this series follows six young people seeking fame and fortune by being part of a new, top secret, reality TV show. They…
- 讲述了一心要当大英雄的橙子“橙留香”意外被小男孩乐乐带到水果店,遇到一群认命被吃掉的水果们。为了对抗邪恶的老鼠们,果宝与乐乐携手作战,在爱、梦想和勇气的激励下开启逃亡之旅的故事。
- After the death of his brother, Mick travels to America to seek Justice. Wrongly convicted of extortion and attempted murder, Mick is sent to Pleasant Hill Penitentiary's notorious death block 13. Seething with revenge after discovering the truth qigou.cc behind his brother's death, Mick's rage ignites an explosive rio…