- Songwriter Dion McGregor became famous in the 1960s for narrating his dreams in his sleep. His flatmate recorded him doing so.In their new film somniloquies, Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Verena Paravel overcome the boundaries between inner dreamscapes and human bodies. At the start, flowing forms can be seen and a gentle…
- 尼亚加拉古堡是美国著名的尼亚加拉战役的爆发地。尼亚加拉河(Niagara River)位于北美洲的五大湖区。尼加拉河自伊利湖流注安大略湖,为美国纽约州与加拿大安大略省的界河。船只从尼亚加拉河溯流而上可以进入伊利湖,进而向北拐进休伦湖,再转道密歇根湖和苏比利尔湖,因此这个要塞极其重要,是深入美国五湖及内陆的重要咽喉要道,这是其独特的…
- Abandoned in Patagonia, the alcoholic Valdivia lives off odd jobs, and mainly off petty theft. One day, while breaking into a car, he is caught by the owner. A strange relationship develops between him and the woman, a swimming instructor who also works nights in a bar. Soon, however, their affair comes to an end. Vald…